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The Mini-Interview: Jay Croft

November 12, 2022 2 min read

The Mini-Interview: Jay Croft


Jay Croft, 59, Atlanta, Owner Prime Fit Content

What motivates you to exercise?

I’ll be 60 next year, and I’m trying to age well – to stay healthy and to feel better, move better, and look better than I would if I ate a lousy diet and sat on the couch all day.

When I started in my 20s, I wanted to gain muscle and look better. But now, after all this time, it’s just a part of my life. Going to the gym has become my sport – the way some people play tennis or golf. It helps me manage physical and psychological stress, and I enjoy the social aspect.

My father lived a very unhealthy lifestyle and died young. Part of me works out to counter any genetic destiny that might’ve been involved.

But, also, I just get antsy if I don’t move every day!

What are your best training/workout/exercise tips?

Do something you enjoy as your main exercise, but augment it with other forms of movement to make sure you’re getting what you need – strength training, cardio, core and flexibility. If you love lifting weights, be sure to get in some walking or jogging and stretching, for example.

What is a book you recommend?

The fitness book I will recommend is one I hope to start writing in the new year – about the revolution in active aging in this country. But for something people can read now, I always recommend “Everybody Writes” by Ann Handley, which has tons of terrific advice to help people write better, no matter what their business or field of expertise.

What is the worst injury you had and how did you recover?

I broke my arm skiing a few years ago. I wore a sling, went to physical therapy, and waited to heal. The worst part? It didn’t even make a good story. I was waiting to get on the lift and fell when my ski got stuck on someone else’s. I fell on my arm on a patch of ice, and that was it. Otherwise, I’ve been lucky.


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