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The Mini-Interview: John Garner

October 29, 2022 2 min read

The Mini-Interview: John Garner

John Garner and his wife, Karen.


Geezer Jock needs to hear from more of you....Geezers.

In this new feature we ask someone four questions. The idea is to spread some knowledge and give us all something to think about.

It doesn't take long to skim this mini-interview from one of us and notice something to hold on to. Please try it.

John Garner, 63, San Marcos, CA.

1. What motivates you to exercise?

"First, I’ve always loved/enjoyed a variety of activity/movement/exercise! That includes sports, athletics, and the outdoors. Second, reading the sobering statistics of what happens to our health if we do not exercise is motivating re: sickspan/chronic diseases vs healthspan. 

My wife and I moved to San Marcos, CA., last year. The main reason was to be with our young grandchildren. Second reason was for the scenery/nature available for hiking, exercising outdoors.

2. What are your best training/workout/exercise tips?

Schedule your exercise. Prioritize, in this order: sleep, nutrition, exercise.

For exercise, prioritize weight lifting/strength training. Benefits are innumerable. Ignoring this activity is deathly. 

I also combine / adhere to Blue Zones’ Power 9 (minus the alchohol) … combined with “Mediterranean diet” (whole food, unprocessed, plant-dominant … still love wild caught fish and grass-fed/finished meat, but as a “condomeat”!)


3. What is a book you recommend? 

One recent book I read is “Pride & Discipline … The Legacy of Jack LaLanne” by Elaine LaLanne/Greg Justice.

4. What is the worst injury you had and how did you recover?

Tore my ACL in my mid-40’s playing full-court hoops. I had an outstanding ortho surgeon and physical therapist. Their skill sets, advice, and my “compliance.”

 There is no paywall for Geezer Jock. Please support a Journalist. You can buy a hat, or buy a tee-shirt, or contribute. Check out the store, please. www.geezerjocknews.com

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