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This Man Says Free Weights Need To Go...in the Garbage.

July 16, 2022 2 min read

This Man Says Free Weights Need To Go...in the Garbage.

Just look at this man, Dr. John Jaquish. He sure looks capable of breaking things.

What he wants to break this week is the notion that those weights you are lifting can do more harm than good. 

He wrote a book and the title gets right down to it. Weightlifting is a waste of Time, So is Cardio. 

This is his thesis:

"Muscle growth can take place for individuals of any age, including those over 60, using the correct strength training regimen and the right nutritional program. His research into optimal muscle-building further showed that the most productive strength training is accomplished by using variable resistance bands and not free weights."

We can all agree that weight training is a must for Geezer Jocks. But is Dr. Jaquish right about bands over free weights?

I'm not sure. And this idea that "Cardio is a waste of time"? I'm sure he's wrong about that, but I'll get the book and see what he says. Maybe Dr. J has a different idea about cardio, but my idea is revving up your heartbeat. That's cardio.

The issue you all might have here is that he selling something. It's not cheap. $549. We all have radar for health rackets. I know professional athletes, so I'll get some opinions.

Dr. J also says this:

"Lifting weights puts pressure on joints and increases the risk of injury. Even for professional powerlifters, this risk increases significantly after the age of 40. For anyone with reduced balance and mobility, past joint injuries, arthritis, and loss of bone density, strength training by lifting heavy free weights is not recommended."

Ok, so why can't we get our own bands and follow a regimen from a fitness guru at the Y? The bands are easier to store. You don't have to go to a gym to get a band workout. I know, Dr. J is including videos with your buying his gear. He's pretty smart, too, about health and you get that.

If you get a long enough band, thick enough, and hold it down with your two feet and pull up that is serious resistance training. A real deadlift. But I'm looking at this picture of Dr. J and going ...maybe. 

Do your own research. I was forwarded a press release and thought I would share.  

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