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Aging as a Disease? Really?

February 17, 2024 1 min read 3 Comments

Aging as a Disease? Really?

Does Yvette Matthews look diseased by age? Photo courtesy National Senior Games Association. 

(This story originally posted September, 2022).


By Ray Glier

There is a terrific story in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) magazine this month.

Language counts for a lot and a researcher is ok with naming aging as a "disease." In fact, the World Health Organization came close to naming aging a disease.

One researcher got closer to it suggesting aging is a cause for disease, not a disease itself.

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3 Responses

Doug Beyerlein
Doug Beyerlein

February 17, 2024

This article points out that exercise and diet are still the most effective way to slow the aging process. No surprise there.

Gary Ongley
Gary Ongley

February 17, 2024

I certainly see signs of aging and welcome any means of slowing them down. One thing we can do is look at how we view where we are in life. Aging is a process. Getting old is a choice.


October 30, 2022

I never thought of aging as a disease but maybe I should. A disease is something bad but aging is not in my opinion.

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