December 07, 2024 2 min read
By Ray Glier
In 2024, two prominent gold medal winners in Masters track & field were busted for performance enhancing drugs. They were over 70. Two others refused to be tested in 2023 and 2024. In 2023, one competitor blew the doors off the competition and would not be drug tested and still competed later in the season.
Ken Stone, the most experienced and sincere journalist covering Masters track & field on the planet, asked incoming USATF Masters track boss Robert Thomas what he thought of more drug-testing of Masters athletes.
Here is Thomas' response:
"In my opinion, based on the number of positive tests we see, we do not do enough testing. Testing is very cost prohibitive, but we have had two positive tests and two refusals in the last two years. We know that we at least have to continue at the level we are currently conducting testing.
If the budget permits, I would be in favor of increasing testing. I also believe masters drug testing should not be limited to any certain age group — one of the athletes who refused to be tested in the last several years was a 70-year-old male."
Now, Geezer Jock has a question.
There are no big paydays coming in Masters track...yet. Pickleball has money, but I looked at the 78-page USA Pickleball Rule Book and didn't see drug testing mentioned.
Is it time we took PED use more seriously? I'm assuming someone is going to monetize Geezer Jock sports as they continue to grow in popularity. Will somebody cut in line with a needle to the butt full of fertilizer?
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January 18, 2025 5 min read 1 Comment