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The Mini-Interview: James Wilson

December 10, 2022 3 min read 4 Comments

The Mini-Interview: James Wilson

Photo: Angela Staab with her trainer and coach, James Wilson.


James Wilson 51, certified athletic trainer and certified track & field coach (IAAF) Greensboro, N.C. Former college runner (800)
Trainer for Geezer Jock Angie Staab.

What is your best training tip for an older athlete?

Rest is just as important as the work. A lot of your older athletes are high achievers. And so they want to work, work, work, work. And, so, that's all well and dandy, but the rest is very important because as we get older, we just don't recover as fast as we used to.”

You really have to listen to your body. When you're tired you need to rest and not run. Because at that age, it's more about who is going to last in Angie’s age group. It's easier for them to get hurt. And your immune system is impacted if you are rundown from over-training, which is important with Covid and flu season .

How do you approach an older person who says “I can’t do that’?

First, we assess their limitations, whether they have a back issues or knee issues, or whatever. Every exercise can be modified.

It's knowing that person and Angie and I have been training together for a long, long time. I know when I need to push her. When she can't do something and it's physically impossible for her to do a certain weight, we stop. If the doctor says  ‘hey Angie you need to stop running’, ok, we need to stop running for now.

But if she comes over there and she's she says ‘I'm just tired’ and she starts walking right at the 100-meter mark when it's so convenient, I can say to her ‘Hey, if you want me to treat you like an old lady, I can treat you like an old lady. If you want me to treat you as an athlete, you know, hey, let's do this’. With her, it’s so rare I have to say that.

What gives you the most satisfaction working with an older person?

In the beginning, I didn't appreciate what they were going through to be out there. As I've gotten older I can appreciate what it takes to keep going and I appreciate that. I’m still working out and Angie says ‘James, why don't you run?’ I just don’t want to work that hard. And then there is your ego and you know you are not going to run the same 800 time. There’s a hit on your ego and that keep you from going out there.

So I appreciate what they go through as an older athlete. It takes courage to keep going and I’m envious they go to the world championships.”

How long does it take to build a habit, where an older athlete starts up themselves every day without a trainer?

They say 20 days. They also have one motivation we don’t realize at first, and that’s mortality. Things are on the line, there is not much time, and they get out there and work. If they don’t exercise, or don’t work out, you start to go down. You build a habit faster when your life is on the line. When you are younger, your skin looks fine, you feel fine, but when you’re older the habit can build faster. It’s never too late to go for a walk.”


4 Responses

Barbara Warren
Barbara Warren

June 19, 2024

Hi Richard S! Great seeing you compete in IH last weekend! Send me your email for a picture I got if you! Scifinerd@suddenlink.net

Barbara Warren
Barbara Warren

June 19, 2024

Great article and picture! Go Angela!!!!

Richard Soller
Richard Soller

December 13, 2022

Great words of wisdom as to how to keep active and healthy as we age. Just keep doing something to KEEP MOVING and good things will happen. I’ll turn 96 in February, and 100 isn’t that far away.

Mike Lavigna
Mike Lavigna

December 11, 2022

While this was not a “knock your socks off” story it was an important reminder about REST and the “reality of our mortality” in regards to getting out and doing something, everyday. For some of us it is 1%more each day or each third day, which is 10% more over a month. For some its overcoming a challenge due to illness or injury for some its overcoming the dreaded thought of " what does it really matter anyway, who am I kidding". If you dont want to do your usual 15 or 30 repetitions, do 5.

Change your routine for an entire week or two. Cross train with an entirely new activity like yoga, swim, kayak or canoe, run or jump in place for 2 minutes, take a vigorous walk for a set distance, instead of everyday do every other or every 3rd day, isometrics in youe chair or standing, quarter squats then 3/5ths squats then 3/4 squats, then resistance bands for two full weeks and nothing else, then just pullovers with a light weight, under 5 lbs, a soyp can a or a weight under 10 pounds, on a bench, a chair, your bed; march in place for 3 to 5 minutes, accept 1 minute….active or static stretches for your entire body, part by part.

Shadow box in place, for 30 seconds, hold a small weight or soup can, do 5 seconds more each day for a week, bend your knees as you are doing it and every day lower your stance 10% more!!

Its amazing how much progress you can make in a month or two or three!

Finally, pay it forward, send a copy of this news letter to just two friends, make a small donation in a friends name or a subscrption for a Christmas gift👂🤔🤔🤔 It only takes a spark….“Wear out, dont rust out”. Geezer Jocks, ROCK!

LAshana Tova, Happy Channukah or Merry Christmas, make a difference while you have today!🌅💪👍🎶 YOU, MATTER!

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